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Alzheimer's Disease is the most common form of dementia.

Early detection is the key to being able to delay the progression of Alzheimer's as much as possible; however, there is no cure. 







Deposits of beta-amyloids, called plaques, formed between nerve cells and twisted fibers of tau, called tangles, formed within the nerve cells are believed to disrupt important survival processes between cells, as well as communication.


1. Forgetting recently learned information, important dates and events.

2. Changes in developing and following plans or working with numbers, difficulty concentrating. 

3. Trouble navigating through familiar locations, performing tasks at work.

4. Forgetting where they are/how they got there.

5. Impaired vision, difficulty judging distances, difficulty reading.

6. Trouble having a conversation, forgetting words.

7. Trouble with misplacing items, difficulty retracing steps.

8. Poor financial decisions, decreased attention to personal hygiene. 

9. Avoiding social contact, discontinued practice in a hobby or social activities.

10. Mood swings, irritability, confusion.




"What is Alzheimer's Disease?"

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